Lillian and David N. Lieberman
Although I was the oldest of Lillian and David Lieberman’s three children, I cannot remember a time when they were not involved in giving…up to and way beyond their means! Neither of my parents grew up in Kansas City, but it was here that they settled when I was six months old, my dad as a CPA and my mother as a homemaker. And it was here that their hearts remained forever. As their pockets grew, so did their good deeds, especially for all things related to the Jewish community. My parents were generous with their time…with their money…and with their very beings. I remember most of all how my father’s face would beam when he was performing a mitzvah for a friend or a family member and how proud my mother would be. Ultimately my parent’s endowment to the Jewish Community Foundation will reside in the Community Legacy Fund. In this way their acts of love and kindness will burn into perpetuity, providing assistance to the Kansas City area projects and programs that would have meant the very most to them.