Lucy and Sam Gould
The establishment of the Sam and Lucy Gould Charitable Funds to be used by Kehilath Israel Synagogue and the Jewish Community Center, administered by the Foundation, has given me the opportunity to reciprocate in a very small way for all that the Synagogue and the JCC have meant to me and my family, particularly during my years as a youngster.
The synagogue was started in 1910 by its co-founders Mr. and Mrs. Melach Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Tranin, a great aunt and uncle of mine. My family has been a part of the congregation since its inception and I have always felt it was a very important part of our lives.
During my years as a youngster, the JCC served many of us as our second homes. It would not be unusual that a number of us would spend a part of each day there during the basketball season. A great camaraderie was created among the participants with everyone looking forward to the next scheduled event. The Center also served as a gathering place for youngsters to meet and plan cultural and social activities for their fraternities and sororities. We had the benefit of great counselors, the likes of Irving Levitas, Hy Vile, Arthur Lee and Joseph and Louis Cohen. During the basketball season, Dr. Robert Holcomb, Burt Kamin, Is Kelm and Is Vile were outstanding basketball coaches during our formative years. It has been said that the values you learn in sports will serve you well all of your life. The athletic department of the JCC deserves unending praise for serving the community so well during the past 84 years.