Phyliss Bernstein, Ph.D
My decision to endow my Lion of Judah gift to the Jewish Federation through the Jewish Community Foundation was made for several reasons. I wanted to honor and thank all who have gone before me who sacrificed greatly by making courageous choices in their lives. Those choices were ultimate gifts that enabled my loved ones and myself to live in a country of freedom, free not only to embrace Judaism, but free to pursue and realize our dreams.
By endowing my gift, I feel fulfilled to know that others less fortunate in the world are helped not only in present times, but they will be helped in the future when I’m no longer here.
Also, by endowing my gift, I feel that I am modeling charitable giving to my children and my yet unborn grandchildren. I fervently and passionately believe that the legacy of giving to others, especially to the worldwide Jewish community, must live and be carried on from generation to generation.