Ann Jacobson
As Jews we have always been our brother’s keeper!
I have always expressed my responsibility to others through giving of my skills and talents to organizations and causes that help others. I also want to make sure that through my financial contributions, to the best of my ability, that others in need can be helped even after I am gone. My LOJE gift certainly does that.
I feel very strongly about giving, especially to the Jewish Federation because of the help I have received from them. When my family and I came to America and Kansas City as refugees in 1939 from Austria, the Jewish Federation helped us in many ways to get a good start. I have never forgotten that and make sure that those who need help could be helped in the Jewish community and worldwide starting in my high school years.
In all of the 60 years I have been involved with the Jewish Federation and the Jewish community, I have found that the joy of giving exceeds the joy of receiving!