Bobbi and Paul Russell
Giving Life to the Future
As Paul and I (Bobbi) were growing-up, and as our parents worked hard to make a good life for them and for us, we learned about the sacrifices their parents and their parents’ parents (and so on back through the generations) had made and how sacrifice and giving for the benefit of others, less fortunate, has been the central story of the Jews.
But another part of the story has been what Jews have given to the world: unending contributions to the advancement of medicine, other science, the arts and education.
It is one of the great joys of my life that I have had the great good fortune to be able to establish the Klein-Russell Charitable Trust in honor and memory of my parents, Dorothy and Leonard Klein. Their grand dream was to do what they could to help ensure a bright future for the children and grandchildren (and so on down through the generations).
With some of the Trust’s funds, I am proud to have left a Legacy for the local Jewish community that will help it continue the good works that are making the present a better place for our seniors and the future a better place for those Jews who will follow.