Debbie Sosland-Edelman and Alan Edelman
Creating a Jewish Legacy
Camp Shalom, USY, the annual community-wide Israel Independence Day parade and celebration, hanging out at the JCC, volunteering at Shalom Geriatric, the Hebrew Academy sukkah tour, Israeli dancing Friday nights at Beth Shalom and Camp Shabbat. These are just a few of the memories we have of growing up in Kansas City. Those years and the last three decades spent raising our three children in Kansas City were filled with the joy of Jewish living and have created innumerable cherished memories.
In Pirkei Avot/Teachings of the Sages, Rabbi Tarfon taught, “you are not obliged to finish the task, neither are you free to neglect it.” The Kansas City Jewish community was built by committed people, who made it possible for us to live rich Jewish lives. They built it and now it is our responsibility to maintain it and support it. We can achieve this by continuing their tradition of service and philanthropy to make it possible for future generations to lead rich Jewish lives. We are very grateful to our parents and grandparents for their vision, determination and generosity and we are hopeful that our children and grandchildren will take advantage of all this community has to offer and understand their responsibility to future generations.