Gail Himmelstein
Growing up in a small town in Minnesota, I learned about charitable giving from my father and his mother. My father, of blessed memory, would go door-to-door to the few Jewish families collecting for UJA (United Jewish Appeal).
My Grandmother, my idol, showed me how to care for those less fortunate. She had a children’s ready-to-wear shop and always sent something home with me, but best of all was when someone would come in, but didn’t have enough money to pay for the clothes for their children, she would give it to them. Too bad they didn’t have Jewish Family Services then.
I first got involved in Federation when Susie Goldsmith called for Women’s Division and as a newlywed, I joined every Jewish women’s organization and became a life member of each one and have LOVED being involved with them and also being involved with education at Temple B’nai Jehudah.
Thank you, Kansas City, for giving me all these opportunities to become a committed Jewish woman and for the ability to pass it on to our children.