Sonia and Sam Schultz
My brothers Norman and Bill Schultz and I, Aletha Schultz Simon, decided to establish the Sam and Sonia Schultz Fund to memorialize our parents. We had seen our parents establish memorial gifts to honor their own parents, Peter and Sarah Schultz and Sam and Rachel Birnbaum. Thus, we had wanted to follow in their footsteps to perpetuate the values Sam and Sonia so lovingly instilled in us.
Our parents were both very interested in education. Our mother was an active volunteer in all our schools. Our father often chipped in personally from his own pocket to help the teachers at Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy on payday if the funds weren’t readily available in those early, beginning years.
Sam and Sonia also instilled in us a love of reading. Mother often took us weekly to the Southwest High School Public Library and dad always had a current book by the latest Jewish author to read after dinner.
Since our parents were active in their synagogue and the Jewish community, we children thought they would be proud to have us establish this memorial fund at the Jewish Community Foundation. We have truly enjoyed the opportunity of giving back to the Kansas City Jewish community by making gifts in their memory to perpetuate their values and standards.
-Aletha Schultz Simon