Sharon Lowenstein Poisner and Alan Poisner, MD
My parents, Gus and Ann Agron, instilled in me a strong sense of Jewish values and a love for American democracy. When young, I enjoyed activities at the JCC on Linwood. Over more than three decades Bill Lowenstein and I each served on various Jewish Federation Boards and shared with our sons – Lon, Glenn, John and Reed – our shared commitment to philanthropy. I am also the widow of Gill Shoham, former senior rabbi of Kehilath Israel Synagogue; mezzuzot throughout the JCC honor his memory. We each led classes in the Rabbinical Association’s Day of Discovery at the JCC. Together with Alan, I remain committed to the future strength of the Greater Kansas City Jewish Community. A Jewish historian, I believe that we Jews are the canaries in the coal mine; the strength of our communities is a measure of the strength of American democracy.
My parents, Ben and Helen Poisner, showed me by example their commitment to the Jewish community. During grade school and high-school days, I was often at the JCC on Linwood, including at Camp JeCoCe, enjoying athletic activities and acting in the Junior Thespians. Later, Roselle, my late wife, and I encouraged our sons – David and Jonathan – to participate in JCC activities on Holmes. We continued to support synagogue and Jewish Federation events. In the recent chapter of my life with Sharon, we have been active at the latest location of the JCC and have enjoyed the Day of Discovery program that brings all segments of the Jewish community together. We have been beneficiaries of various synagogues in the community as well as our current home in Village Shalom. For all these reasons and more, I feel indebted to the Kansas City Jewish community and want to see it succeed in the years to come.