Civia and Harry “Scott” White
The White family roots run deep here. Each generation has left its mark.
Rabbi Isaac White settled in Kansas City in 1900 to become community shohet (ritual slaughterer) and operate a kosher market. The shop sign is faded but still visible on Grand between 18th and 19th Streets.
His son, Harry, taught Hebrew for many years at one of our local congregations, where he was vice president at his untimely death in 1946. The congregation subsequently named its library in his memory. His son, Scott’s father Stephen, was active in the community, especially at one of our Jewish country clubs, where his name is listed as a past golf champion.
Likewise, the women in Scott’s lineage – his mother, Iris, and his paternal grandmother and great-grandmother, Eva and Rebecca – played important community roles down the generations.
We both have devoted our professional lives to serving this Jewish community, one as a teacher and librarian of our Hebrew day school, the other as spiritual leader of one of our community’s congregations. Our legacy fund will be our mark and more, ensuring our devotion to this community continues beyond our lives.